- Spend your summer living on a picturesque island, helping people and the environment.
- Gain exclusive access to the Galapagos National Park, working with conservationists to help protect animals like giant tortoises and sea lions!
- Run educational activities and help spread environmental awareness throughout the community.
- Volunteer Service Hours: 50
- Download a sample itinerary for this project.
Is volunteer work in Ecuador for teenagers right for me?
Do you want to spend your summer living on a unique island, helping people and the environment? Then you’ll love our Conservation High School Special in the Galapagos. It’s for any teenager looking to do something different and be outdoors.
This project is designed specifically for teenagers. We have a set itinerary in place and our staff are there every step of the way for guidance and support.
You don’t need any experience. A willingness to help, learn, and explore is all we ask of you. This programme is a great way to get practical experience and learn new skills like teamwork and planning. Use it to give your application or CV an edge for university or a job.
What will I do on this project?
You’ll spend two weeks working alongside National Park rangers and community leaders, learning how to do a variety of hands-on conservation activities.
You will:
- work with conservationists at the Galapagos National Park
- expand your own horizons by being immersed in a unique island culture
- explore multiple island ecosystems
- snorkel with marine life
- teach local children about the importance of the environment
Work with conservationists
The Galapagos is home to a unique population of bird and animal life. It’s also considered a research hotspot for scientists from around the world. During your time there, you’ll work with conservationists on various research projects in the Galapagos National Park.
The park is understaffed because of a lack of funding. Because of this, it’s difficult for staff to do a lot of the research needed by themselves. As an extra pair of helping hands, you’ll help collect data during surveys. This is important work, as the results are used to advise the Ministry of Environment for policy-making.
This involves feeding and caring for giant tortoises at a breeding centre. You'll collect data, clear paths, and fix enclosures at the centre. Take this chance to monitor and support these amazing animals until they can be released into the wild.
You’ll also get involved in the removal of alien plants. These plants are a threat to local species that are only found in the Galapagos. You'll help plant native plants to restore the local ecosystem.
By leading workshops in the local community, you also raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Galapagos’ unique ecosystem.
Expand your horizons
As a volunteer, you'll spend your days immersed in the laid-back island culture of the Galapagos while leaving a positive impact. Since you will be living with a host family, you'll interact with local people on a daily basis, discovering a different way of life.
This is also an excellent way to improve your Spanish or learn a new language.
As part of the itinerary, we'll take you on a weekend trip to one of San Cristobal’s neighbouring islands. This will show you more of the Galapagos Islands, offering a deeper understanding of local life.
Where will you work in the Galapagos?
San Cristobal
The Galapagos Islands are hugely popular for anyone with an interest in biology, science, and wildlife. These volcanic islands are home to a vast number of species that occur nowhere else in the world. A few examples include the giant tortoise, marine iguanas, Galapagos fur seals, and Galapagos penguins.
You’ll be based on the main island of San Cristobal. It forms part of the Galapagos archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 km from mainland Ecuador.
Your experience will take place in the heart of the Galapagos National Park, allowing you the chance to get close to some of the unique species that cannot be found anywhere else.
What are the aims and impacts of this project?
The aim of this project for high school students is to assist staff with local conservation work.
Due to insufficient funding from the government, the Galapagos National Park is understaffed. This makes it difficult for staff and conservationists to do everything that’s needed. It also means that research projects get delayed.
You’ll play an important role in doing wildlife surveys, collecting valuable scientific data, and doing reforestation work in the park. You’ll even get to help remove invasive plant species and feed the famous Galapagos Giant Tortoise.
Lastly, this project is also all about giving you the opportunity to travel safely to a unique destination and make new friends from other parts of the globe. Of course, it’s also an excellent way of being part of something positive for the local community and environment!

Vi har utarbetat långsiktiga mål för våra projekt och dokumenterat målen i våra projekthandlingsplaner. Våra projekthandlingsplaner används också för att planera ditt arbete. Tack vare våra projekthandlingsplaner kan du vara säker på att du arbetar mot ett långsiktigt mål och vi kan kontinuerligt utvärdera och förbättra vårt arbete. Våra projekthandlingsplaner säkerställer att vi gör en verklig skillnad.
Läs mer om våra projekthandlingsplaner.
Vi mäter resultatet av vårt arbete varje år
Varje år deltar tusentals ungdomsvolontärer på våra projekt runt om i världen. Under deras tid utomlands bidrar de till att göra en långsiktig positiv skillnad i de samhällen där de arbetar. För att visa vilket resultat deras hårda arbete har, sammanställer vi varje år en rapport som heter High School Specials Impact repor.
För mer information om den insats våra ungdomsvolontär gjort under året, läs vår senaste rapport.
Mat och boende
Du kommer dela boende med andra Projects Abroad volontärer under din tid i San Cristóbal. Det här är ett fantastiskt sätt att lära känna varandra, dela era upplevelser och utforska omgivningarna tillsammans. Du kan även be oss att ordna boende i en värdfamilj i San Cristóbal.
Vi försöker alltid placera våra ungdomsvolontärer så att de delar rum med en annan Projects Abroad volontär eller praktikant, av samma ålder och kön. Ditt rum kommer vara enkelt men bekvämt, rent och säkert.
Din projektavgift inkluderar tre måltider om dagen.
Läs mer om våra boenden.
Säkerhet och personalstöd
Din säkerhet är vår första prioritet. Vi har många processer och system på plats för att se till att du som ungdomsvolontär har all extra hjälp och support som du behöver. Vår egen Projects Abroad personal finns alltid med dig och de andra ungdomsvolontärerna, oavsett tid på dygnet eller dag i veckan. De ser till att du trivs i ditt boende och känner dig hemma på din projektplacering. Om du skulle stöta på något problem, finns vår personal alltid där för att hjälpa dig.
Läs mer om support och säkerhet.
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